Red-shouldered Hawk 1


San Francisco Animal Care & Control phoned us after receiving a report from a concerned dog-walker, who had noticed that this adult (presumed male) Red-shouldered Hawk had not moved from its perch in a tree at John McClaren Park for a couple of days. We were able to capture the bird, which had obvious vision impairment and injuries to its head and eyes. We immediately transported it to WildCare in San Rafael. Having suffered irreparable neural damage, the bird was unable to hold its head erect and steady, or see well, fly properly, or eat on its own After several days of care, veterinary staff determined the most humane option would be euthanasia. The bird had probably survived a head-first collision with an automobile or building, and without intervention would have died horribly of starvation or predation if left on its own. It’s always sad when these wild patients are unable to recover from injury or illness, but part of our responsibility is to limit their suffering with strength and compassion. Fortunately, the majority of rescues have happier results.
